Well, in the last post where I said I had nothing to talk about, that was not entirely true. I had a lot going on, but it was all very unpleasant. So, if I have been absent from your blog or your email, please forgive me as I have been living through a nightmarish period of time in my work life. Suffice it to say that the bad guys won, and I resigned from my position at work, along with two of my friends. It should seem obvious to any workplace that when you have three employees resign on one day that there is something seriously wrong with a situation and the way they have handled it. Lastly, it seems to me that mean and vindictive people are way too omnipresent in this world, and that is why I choose to surround myself with all the good and true friends I have........and, again, I am so thankful for each and everyone of you. So, I am on a job search, and am so happy and relieved to be out of situation that was literally draining my life force away.
I will be taking a mini-blogging break. Possibly only over the weekend. Tonight, I am going to the opera!! The Lyric Opera of Chicago is presenting Dialouges of the Carmelites by Poulenc. This is an opera that was written in 1957 and has such beautiful music. Poulenc is a French composer and his organ concerto is one of my soul pieces. That is a term my Dad started, soul piece, and as you can imagine it is a piece of music that moves your soul and defines your very life. Another one of my soul pieces is A Midsummer Nights Dream by Mendelssohn. Anyway, I am so looking forward to going this evening. My Dad and Mary bought me the ticket for Christmas. It came in the form of a gift certificate and I used the whole amount to get myself a very good seat. So, I am going solo! Which is fine, I can think my own thoughts and people watch and look at a book during intermission. I will be the one with the Mysterior Air about me (and hopefully that will not be a reflection on the perfume I choose, har har).
Then Saturday my friend Trish is coming over to help me finish up some art projects. She could tell that I needed a helping hand and offered to lend it. True friend and soul mate that she is!
Sunday is Oscar day!!!!!! Lots of red carpet watching and fashion talk.......one of my favorite days of the year!
So, I will be back to Maude and Mozart next week dear friends! Although I am a bit nervous about job searching, I am confident that I made the right move for my mental health and can only be made stronger by this whole experience!