Yesterday, out of the blue, and for no reason (other than that she is one great person!), my friend Barb gave me this chart. I have wanted to stitch this for about two years now. It is a difficult to find chart. Several of our stitching friends have the chart and I have lusted over their progress. Barb knew the chart was getting scarce. She said that she wanted me to be able to stitch it when everyone else got going on it.
Well, as you can imagine, many hugs were given and a merry evening at the stitch shop was held as I gathered fabric and thread to start that very night on Mary Peacock!!!!!
Every time I get together with my stitching friends I am in awe of their kindness and generosity. We always laugh a lot; but we also support each other through happy times and sad. If Santa brought me nothing else this year; I am happy and content!
Thank you Barb!!!
How wonderful! Your stitching group sounds so great!! I love Mary Peacock. :D
We are such a great group!!! Enjoy Mary!! She is fun:-)
That Barb! She's a Keeper! Glad you got Mary and are merry...and I love our group too- so much support- we are VERY lucky!
Mary Peacock is a lovely quaker - I know you will enjoy stitching her with your friends - how lovely a gesture. You are so blessed
Enjoy ! Melody
That is so sweet of Barb! I'm sure you'll enjoy stitching your Mary. Right now, I'm trying to get through the first part of Mary Wigham...
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