Day Three was Friday. Class would begin in the evening so we had a day to goof off. Now, we could have sat still at the hotel and stitched all day....but nooooo! We could stitch at home....we had some shopping destinations to visit. First up was Three Dudes Quilt shop. Some of my group are also quilters so this was a great "bi-craft" destination. I found this medley of fabrics to love and bought some fat quarters to have a pin keep backing fabric collection.
These were my selections.
Had to pick up some magazines for my Mom. Three Dudes was featured in this issue of Quilt Sampler.

Next step was a fancy shopping mall to visit the Cornelia Park gift shop. We were on a Troll Bead hunt. Over the past several years I have resisted all Pandora and Troll Bead bracelets.....however, due to circumstances beyond my control I recently succumbed. First with a Pandora bracelet....and now on this trip I was obsessed with getting a Troll Bead or two. So, we searched the internet to find this one shop in Phoenix that carried Troll Beads. So, off we went in our magical van. We entered the shop and lo and behold....they were discontinuing carrying Troll Beads!!! But, here is the good news, everything they had remaining in stock was half off!!!! Whooop! Whoop!!!! The picture above is us at the end of our epic hour in the store. Troll Bead bracelets for everyone!!!!! Even those of us who did not plan on partaking!!!! After our bracelet buying insanity we went from restaurant to restaurant in the mall looking for the perfect place to eat...we ended up with a lovely, quiet, classy ladies lunch at The Capital Grille!!!!! Perfect afternoon.

Here are my selections. On top is the new Troll Bead bracelet. The second bracelet is by Mariana. This shop also carried Mariana jewelry which is beyond exciting and gorgeous. I was feeling so happy with these purchases.
This is Brenda's new Troll Bead bracelet. Brenda was "just along for the ride" to the Troll Bead experience. That is until she saw that there was a Scottie charm!!! Then it was all over!!! But it was all half off!!!! So exciting!
Pat had a troll bead bracelet started and she added some more beads to her start.
Teresa got a new Troll bead bracelet and this lovely from Mariana.
Karin selected these total winners by Troll bread and Mariana. We all just had so much fun selecting these bracelets. It is great that we made these memories together and I will always think of these gals when I wear my bracelets.
Well, we still had some time before we had to be back at the hotel for the start of class. So, back to The Attic it was!!! I purchased this beautiful chart with these two samplers in it. These are the models. The name is Perfect Pair and it is by Linda Danielson of Samplers Remembered.
We were lucky enough to see inside the framing room. I would have loved to take pictures of all of the work waiting to be framed but I did not think that would be cool. One of the samplers waiting to be finished was The Betrothed. Wow!!! Karin promptly kitted it up!
Finally, it was time to get ourselves to class. We got to our table and took some new student pics. Above, Brenda, Teresa and Pat.
Here are myself and Karin.
The funniest thing happened while waiting in line to get in the sacred classroom! We met Maria and Barb.....and they are from Illinois!! In fact, their LNS is Welcome Stitchery!!! We all sat at the same table and fell in love! These gals are definitely kindred spirits. Thanks for hanging out with us Maria and Barb! We all hope our paths cross again soon!!!!!
There were lovely gifts at each place from The Attic.
Love this thread keep!!! What a great souvenir!
Our first project was Tanya's Coverlet Berry Scissor Tray!!!! We all love this project and the cute box it came in!!
I love everything about this project!!
This is the darling pin that Tanya made for each student!
The second project for Friday night was this amazing Colonial Pocket by Priscilla's Pocket! Just gorgeous.
It was certainly a jam packed day!!!! One of those everything was totally perfect days that I will always remember!!!