Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Dyeing to Stitch Part Two

Here is the sign for the shop!!!!  Get ready to get excited when you step inside!  This is a must see shop for stitchers!!!!

 See what I mean?????

This is what it looked like in Friday when everyone was there for the BBD meet and greet!!!  Happy chaos!

 Ann showed us her finish of the Ann Rayner sampler!!!!  Stunning with a capital S.  This is an out of print chart.  The only shop that may still have it is The Attic in Mesa, AZ.

 At the Friday night open stitch back at the hotel Ann and Pat brought in some of their antique samplers to show us.  Wow!  They were so amazingly gorgeous!  We all wanted them reproduced stat so that we could stitch them too!!!  This is Pat who knows a ton about the history of samplers.  She wrote a book titled Historic Samplers.  

 We were very serious about looking at the samplers.  I even got to hold one!!!!!! 
True Confession:  I was so hepped up on Friday night that I had to take an over the counter sleeping pill to get to sleep!!!!  That is how exciting all of this was!!!

Saturday brought about our long awaited class with Blackbird Designs!!!!  They used an antique sampler from their collection to inspire the projects they designed for us. 

 Isn't it just amazing!!!  It is dated to around 1835.  

 When we checked in we received the kit for this beautiful pin pillow!!!!  I started it immediately.  

 Class on Saturday was spent making the wonderful pin keep holder you see in the foreground.  They turned out so beautifully!!!!

Crafting pictures!!!
 Here is Alma showing us some tips.  
 From left to right:  Ann, Pat, Alma and Barb.  They were telling us about the sampler Alma is holding. 

Barb showing us the pin pillow.  Barb and Alma are two very dear people.  They are so kind and talented.  We all just love them!

 This is the project we received that is based on the middle part of the historic sampler.  I cannot wait to start it!!!!!

Below is the pin keep with its special project inside.

Then we had lunch!!!!! 
 Karin and Patti. 

Brenda, Kellie and me. 

Teresa and Pat.

Debra and Deborah.  These gals are aces!!!!!!  We met Deborah at the Tomorrow's Heirlooms retreat last year and started a fast friendship.  Debra is coming this summer to that retreat and we are planning on hanging out extensively.

And do you know what that sweetheart Debra did for me???? She got up early on Saturday morning and went to Harris Teeter (never even heard of it!!!) and found me some Tab!!!!!  That earned her the following hashtag......#newBFF!!!!!!!  That was so amazing!  

Here is a great picture of our wonderful gifts from Dyeing to Stitch!!!!!  They were baskets from 1803 Ohio Farm Baskets!!!!!!!!!! We were so excited!

This lovely is in the new BBD patriotic book!  It is just being released now.

We also got to meet Sherri and Terri!!!!  They are wonderful gals, twin sisters and framers extraordinaire!!!!!!!!! Sherri stitched this piece for Pat and Ann.  

Pat, Ann and Brenda.  We had so much fun hanging out with everyone!!!

 Pat, Ann and Teresa.  Shiny happy people!

 Stitching peeps with full hearts!!!

Thank you to Ann, Pat, Alma and Barb for such a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!  We are filled to the brim with great memories!!!  



teresa said...

fabulous post! what a fun time we had - and we are overflowing with wonderful memories!

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

I'm having a better day after reading your post--I need to hang with positive, energetic excited peeps.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Oh Laura, what a fun post! Looks like you girls had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Vickie said...

I truly enjoyed this post. Thanks for sharing Laura. :D

labfarm22 said...

Wonderful post. Y'all have so many memories to cherish.

woolwoman said...

wow awesome Laura! looks like you had the time of your life. I had a class once with Barb and Alma down here in FL and it was certainly memorable. They are just so stinkin' creative. enjoy all your fun things - Mel

Robin in Virginia said...

Enjoyed reading part 2 of your trip! It was fun seeing Sherri and Terri featured in your post. They are super gals and fabulous framers!

Jackie's Stitches said...

It looks and sounds like you had an absolutely lovely time! I love reading about such events and I enjoyed everyones real time posts on IG.

marly said...

OH!! OH!! OH!!! That antique piece under Pat's photo! They MUST reproduce that. Tell them! And the BBD piece is probably exclusive to the retreat but I will search. Isn't Barb's hair fabulous?

Margaret said...

I'm late to the commenting, but I enjoyed your IG pics, and boy, have I enjoyed your blog posts! The antique samplers! The projects you got! OMG, I'm drooling. lol! I took a class with Barb and Alma once, and I have fond memories of that experience. I still get a giggle from remembering how Barb got in trouble with Alma cause she was gossiping with me about her Paul McCartney sightings! lol!

Senorita Stitches said...

Great post! Thank you so much for the vicarious experience for now. In my dreams, one day, I will get to attend that retreat.

Cathy B said...

What a great time you all had!

karin said...

Wowdoes this ever look wonderful!!!
Karin :)
in NY

Barb said...

What an amazing shop!! It looks like you all had a wonderful time. Thanks so much for sharing these photos.

Brigitte said...

Oh yes, I can see what you mean, lol. This get-together must have been a dream.

Paulette said...

I wish I could have been there! What a great blog post, Laura! :) Sure miss all you girls.


Jeanne said...

Laura it looks like you had a fabulous time! Aren't stitching retreats just the best?!?! It's just so great to share time with like-minded people. I enjoyed all of your post and seeing the great projects. What fun to have met the gals from Blackbird Designs. I've been stitching their designs and making their quilts for years and years. So happy you had this wonderful opportunity and thanks for sharing it with us.

Sue said...

I came upon your blog by accident but I am so glad I did. I fell in love with the spring bunny piece that you highlight by Danybrod. Please tell me where I can buy this pattern. I am also interested in buying the pattern Promenade en famille by Danybrod as well. If you can help me, I would be most appreciative. Cheers, Sue

Sharon V. said...

I drink TAB!!!!! There are a few of us left!!! This is awesome!! I about fell out of my chair over the TAB. Kindred spirits.