Thank you everyone for your invaluable and supportive comments! You all helped me so much. I am not clear on what my new path will be yet. I am slowly working on it, but also taking in a healthy dose of relaxation. The cool thing is that Mike is between jobs too, so he is home for a couple of weeks. We are finally getting some much needed time to do house repairs and generally getting our life in order.
However, first order of business is TOOTFEST 2007! Okay, this is the scoop, Julie and Kim were going to be in Chicago this weekend......so we decided to hang out....then Beth could also come down, and of course, Trish and Jane live here....so we decided to rent a suite with a conference room table in the room so that we could have a pajama party and our own little art retreat!!! So the plan is on Saturday we are going antique shopping and then back to our room to hang out and create!!! Do you all remember that a toot is the coin phrased by Mike and I to describe a day of doing all the stuff you love the best (mainly for us it referred to going to multiple bookstores!)?
Oh, I forgot to tell about the opera!!! Well, it was fantastic! I started out my solo trip to the opera with a two block walk from the opera house to Starbucks!! As you may remember, I have recently found the joy in drinking a latte!!! Then back to the opera house to sip my latte and people watch prior to finding my seat, which was perfect! Dress Circle, right above the box seats, clear view..........the house lights dimmed and we were off! The music was amazing! (Poulenc). The story (as most opera stories are) was convoluted and strange, but the singing and the staging were amazing!!!! If you ever get a chance to see an opera, try it......Here is a list of some of my favorite operas:
The Magic Flute
La Traviata
Cosi Fan Tutte
The Ghosts of Versailles
Don Giovanni
Today my Mom is coming over so we can stamp and work on our art journals!!! That will be lots of fun!!!!
Yesterday we had to run errands and we ended up at Barnes and Noble. In our new frugal era we each were alloted one book.....this is the one I ended up with. It looks so totally interesting, it is a memoir about a family from Vietnam who came to live in America in 1975.

watch out! chi-town, here we come!!
portillos here we come!! cannot wait.....\xoxo~kim
now i am imagining what my perfect "toot" would be. what a great word!
who woulda thunk that anyone's tootfest would involve a conference table?!?
first i am so jealous of your opera excursion, how simply cool!!
second, art journal, i must see it in person..i am bringing my art journal/journal along with me this weekend, maybe you all can add a little stamp and sign it..
I am coming, I will be there....watch out weather man.....I'm out for blood on this one !!!
WHAT art journal ??? You are keeping secrets !!!!
How big is our conference table ??? I can picture it already....I know how what the 4 of us can do to a space....and now 6 of us....watch out Chicago !!!!
I'n sooo excited for you guys and how it's evolved into something fantastic!
Love to you all!
Oh how I could be there "tooting" with you. I'm sure some very creative art will be done this weekend. You sound so much more positive - and that's so good. I am loving the cover of that book - hope the story is as delicious as the cover is.
Your Back!!!! I am so glad to check in and see you here...was getting pretty lonely! I will get to spend the next three days with you tooting up a storm..now that sounds like a gas issue...Wahoo for girlfriends and make believe artfests!
Looking forward to the weekend and the magic of girlfriends and art and memories to be made! To tootfest! Watch out Chicagoland!!!
So good to see you back....keep chilling out and dont worry (harder to do than say!)things will work out...honest!
Have a great weekend 'tooting' lol
So glad you enjoyed the opera. You know, I was there too...well, just in spirit:) One can dream. It's been many moons since I've been to the Opera. Now I'm eager to go to one.
Have fun stamping!
What a fun thing to do with all your friends!!! I love that!!
Laura, I was totally fascinated by the description of the opera. I have never been to one, but you sure make me want to go! Toronto has a fairly consistent number of operas that make it here every year so I am going to take a look at your list of favorites and go see one of them the next time it's playing here.
I love the sound of your new book...tell me more about it when you can and I will pick it up!
That artwork by Kim is absolutely gorgeous, it really stands out!
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