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Yesterday I came home to a Halloween surprise in my mailbox!!!! My friend Liz in Florida sent me this wonderful Halloween card and ATC!!! They are so cool, funny, and sweet!!!! Thank you Liz!!!
Hope everyone has a "sweet" day!!! For Halloween this year I wish I could dress up as either a beautiful bride from 1924 or a "stewardess" from 1966!!!!! What would you dress up as????????
Is this not the cutest stamp you ever saw????? Run, don't walk, to Red Lead in St. Louis or visit their web site for such awesome cuteness! I can't wait to make stuff with this little gal and her friend below!
Red Lead never ceases to amaze me! Chris and Sharon are the coolest!
Here are the stamps I recently purchased from their website! They seem to be in tune with my inner child at all times!
Here is a dish I recently purchased for $3. I just think it is so cute and love storing art supplies in it.
Here are my two fur children, Buddy and Pal, stalking the falling leaves.
Yesterday we went to the Third Sunday Antique Market in Bloomington, IL again. Here is a sight I love to come across, a bunch of vintage photos. I just want to sit in a comfortable chair and go through them all!
There was lots of vintage Christmas about too.
Here are my Mom and one of my bestest buddies, Lorie, giving commentary on the "stuff." We had a great day together. Lorie packed us a cute sack lunch and we met Jane and her Mom to eat.
Saturday night my Mom came to sleep overnight because we had to leave at the crack of dawn on Sunday for the Antique Market. Mike made some delicious chicken pasta salad!!!!
Close-up of Mike's culinary masterpiece!!!
Now I am getting ready to leave Wednesday right after work to drive up to Wisconsin for class with one of my idols, Lynne Perrella, at Valley Ridge. Should be a total gas. I will take pictures and post when I get back, so see you in a week people!!!
Well, I am coming out of my funk and feeling better! Really, the main thing that I am anxious about is that I have overscheduled myself this month! 5 concerts, one big antique trip, and then 4 days out of town at an art class. Don't get me wrong, all of it is totally fun, I am just one of those people that needs lots of downtime and when I don't get it I get panicky! This week Mike and I will go see The Polyphonic Spree (again! we just saw them in September, it was so good we have to go again!) and then the next night Jane, my brother, Todd, and I are going to see Van Halen!!! I am so excited about this concert! Todd and I used to listen to Van Halen all the time! Then on Sunday I have a double duty. During the day we are going back to Bloomington, IL for the Third Sunday Antique Market (me, my Mom, my friend Lorie, Jane, her Mom, and Trish...and maybe even Karen and Jody). I am hoping we can have a tailgate party at lunchtime with a show and tell! and then Sunday night Mike and I are going to see Bruce Springsteen!!!!
Next week Jane, Kim, Julie, and Beth and I are going to Valley Ridge in Wisconsin. We are taking a class with the famous Lynne Perrella!!!!!!! Dream come true!! Am I ready? NO!! Have I had almost a year to prepare for this? Yes!!! What a lame-O!!! Luckily, I took next Monday off from work so I can gather all the items we need for class. I have been collecting ephemera for year for this class. Is it in one place, organized, and ready to go? I think you know the answer!!!!
The picture above is courtesy of the world wide web. The colors here have not changed yet. Hopefully in the next several weeks there will be lots of beautiful leaves. Fall is my favorite season of all!!!!
Now for the title of this post, web curator. This means that I have searched the web for some cool links for you!!! I am at your service people!!!
So go now, and click........
Great Blogs:
Holly Loves Art
Little Pink Studio
Under the Red Roof
12 Days to Christmas: Remember last year when I was in the wonderful swap and all the great handmade Christmas gifts that were exchanged? I could not get myself together to participate this year, but the swap lives on and you can follow it (and drool) here.
CUTE CARDS FROM SPLITCOASTSTAMPERS (I vow to make a card within the next two weeks!!!)
Halloween in Paris
Vintage Baby Girl card
One of my most favorite artists is James McNeill Whistler, You know Whistler's Mother....
here are some other great works by him....
Arrangement in Black No. 5 Lady MeuxSymphony in White no. 2 - The Little White GirlI don't know the nameOkay, I have to get out of here now because I have to get ready to watch Heroes!!! and then we Tivo'ed Dancing with the Stars!!!!
Hey, let me know who your favorite artist is!!!!
Do I look relaxed here???? Am I feeling just A-OK???? Well, not really. Remember last week when I was working at my new-ish job by myself for the week as my buddy and co-worker (really my manager) Jane was on vacation.....well everything went well, but it was super-duper stressful. I did not have a minute to relax, and today I think I had a little mini-meltdown. Nothing too bad, just a few crying jags here and there! So, I came home tonight and took a long nap!!! So, for all the people who I owe emails and all the Alphabetica journals I need to get moving on, I am sorry!!! I am in my recovery phase now, and hope to get some stuff done soon. I mean I did not even get to read a book last week!!! That is really saying something...and I don't mean I did not get to finish a book, I mean I did not have time to read! That is unheard of for me! Well, enough of that rant.......Here are some of the things that I am currently excited about........
1. Vera Bradley purses.
2. Dancing with the Stars.
3. Going to see Van Halen next week.
4. Waiting for the new line of Christmas paper from Basic Grey....Figgy Pudding.
5. New Christmas stamps from Red Lead.
6. The upcoming memoir from Steve Martin.
7. The fact that I finally got my IPOD hooked up to my car stereo and now I can listen to a ton of music as I drive. Shuffle!!!!!
.....and as always, the fact that I have you all for friends!!!!!