Thanks to you all for your well wishes for my Mom!!! She is doing better....she is still under the morphine fog, but that is better than being in pain. The doctors are just keeping her pain-free and hydrated right now. They will see if this passes on its own and then look for some answers.
I so appreciate your well wishes! You all are the best!!! One good thing today, my Mom got a private room. Yipee!!! It is nice to have total control over the noise level in one's sick room isn't it? I for one would find the TV noise from some cheap talk show enough to send me round the bend!
My Mom told me to go to work today, so I did. I will go to work tomorrow and then check in on her in person tomorrow night or Saturday. The hospital she is in is about 45 minutes from where I live.
You guys really have lifted me up! and my Mom too when she finally reads this! I am deeply grateful!
4 days ago
Kind of Good News !
oh that is a LONG DRIVE ....! I know you must be so tired. Wiped out !
So glad she is comfortable and IN A PRIVATE ROOM - YES ! Nothing like an old stinky farty person watching Jerry Springer to get stuck with. I would just stab myself.
Sending Love.
Wow, I have been too backed up to read blogs, and I am in the process of getting a new you are right, last I knew your mom was sniffin glue and crankin out some great art minus the "Chip air". I am so glad to hear that she is back to being better, and she and you will clearly be in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much for my Valentine! May a "boring" day be on your way STAT!
Glad to hear your mom is feeling better. Hope she'll be out of there soon and can rest comfortably at home. It was a great day for Valentines - thanks.
This is the best picture! I really love it and I'm SO glad to hear your mom is doing better, comfy (or more so) and on the mend. Best wishes continue!
Oh gosh Laura...when I spoke to you last night I completely forgot to ask about your I need a good smack across my head !
I'm so glad she is feeling better and she must be so thankful to have you right there.
And that private room thing...what a blessing !
I promise to keep her in my thoughts and the next we talk and I forget something, smack me through the phone line !
xoxxo and make sure you also rest this weekend !
OMG! I hope her pain passes quickly so she can get to her own bed soon - sending hugs to you and your mom!
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