Thank you very much to the lovely Michelle from Milwaukee (really Waukesha!), Wisconsin for the most wonderful RAK that she sent me!! It was such a thrill to get some good mail!! I love, love, love this card she made! You can't see it so well on this scan, but the flowers in the hair of the little girl and her cat are all sparkley!!! This card makes me so happy!
I added 20 new links on the side of the blog!!! Please visit these other blogs for lots of inspiration and interesting information, and great pictures!!! These are the blogs that I check on every day or so, and I always find such cool stuff!
**********************BACK TO THE PERFECT ALBUMS.....Today's feature is The Beatles! I always say the Beatles are on par with Mozart in my book for making such wonderfully beautiful and awe-inspiring music........

Rubber Soul...........The first time I heard this album was much later than it came out that is for sure! I am not sure when exactly it was, the mid 1980's I am sorry to say....My brother had the tape in his car and we would drive around San Francisco listening to it...so that must have been 1985 or 1986....... At that time he was in the Navy there and also my Dad and Mary lived in the city on 2678 19th Avenue!! That was such a cool house! What a great city! Favorite song on this album......
The Word..........
By the way...one day at work we eached answered which Beatle we would have liked to date when they were at their prime......Which Beatle would you like to hold hands with??????? My pick would totally have been George!

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Clubs Band....we had this album when I grew up! We were hip people! Anyway, we listened to this a lot......Mike disagrees with me that this is a perfect album, but I say it is and it is my blog......... Favorite song......
Within You Without You I love that Indian sound.

Revolver..........here is another album my brother introduced me to!! Thanks Todd! Without a doubt my favorite song on this album is
Tomorrow Never Knows In fact, that is one of my all time fave songs!!!

Abbey Road......I came to this album late in life also! It definitely reminds me of when Mike and I started dating. I borroed his CD of it for awhile! I used to listen to it late at night and write him letters....how romantic!!! Favorite song .......
Here Comes the Sun another song that is in my top ten of all songs........... such a beautiful song and such beautiful sentiments!

Let It Be........ another album that Mike really introduced me to......(he is a man with excellent musical taste!) Favorite song......
Dig A Pony
Hopefully, you can all go put in a Beatles CD and share some memories with me!!! What are your favorite Beatles songs????
ohp ! not a Beatles Fan...can't comment here.
I know , I know...
love lucy in the sky with diamonds, but i also love- here comes the sun, elanor rigby, sorry cannot pick just one song..laura you are just too groovy..lol
okay I will relent
there are a few Beatle's songs I do like and I find as I get older (ahem) I do tap my foot to some Beatle songs
Here Comes the Sun....of course !
John Lennon's Imagine...OF COURSE !
Strawberry Fields and even Dear Prudence sometimes get me.
But Yellow Submarine will absolutely Kill me...Let it Be....will put me in the fetal position...and I can't go on letting B tunes stumble thru my mind or I will - welll....sorry.
See that is why I said I can't comment here.
Go ahead ! Throw things and boo me !
Love, S.
ps. weren't you just commenting on being snob ? ooops ! am I ???
i was wondering why you never finished your book segment--you never listed your favorite kids books!! shame shame subject jumper! i was wanting to see what you liked in that area because your other picks were awesome!
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