I drank a diet Root Beer today because my friend Midge drinks them. It was good. Really good. I thought I would go through life only drinking Tab, but now I don't have to be afraid of "the man" discontinuing Tab. So, take that you boys in Atlanta. (But Tab is still the nectar of the gods!).
Okay, I am getting a little tired of the situation in the world today. I am adding my voice to the hippie pinkos who march for peace. Consider me tie-died and long-haired (with sandals even!). I am marching for peace in my living room man. Well, it's a start.
People who call from one department to another in a workplace setting who do not identify themselves should be beaten with sticks. (figuratively, because I am all about the Peace today!)
People who I could see in concert in the next two weeks, but I am may not cause I am too damn lazy: X, Jackie Greene, and Los Lobos.
People who I will see cause I love them enough to get off my lazy ass......Dwight Yoakam, 8/30 at the Park West!
Best Concerts I ever saw: John Fogarty at the House of Blues. Van Halen at the Cow Palace. Joe Jackson at the Chicago Theater. Cheap Trick in Aurora.
Best Operas I ever saw: The Magic Flute. Aida. La Traviata. The Masked Ball. Gotterdamerung.
Most Romantic Restaraunt in Chicago: Italian Village.
Best Pizza on Earth: Sanfratello's in Glenwood, Illinois.
Book I am Reading Right Now: The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards.
Last Movie I saw in the Theater: Lady in the Water (is that the correct title? Don't know and too lazy to go look!) It was just okay.........
Movie Mike Wants to See due to the Kitsch Factor: Snakes on a Plane.
Best Black Ink: Versifine.
Best New Toy for Stamping: Rub-ons.
Best Company For Cute Stamps: Eat Cake Graphics
Best Company for Sophisticated Lady Stamps: B-Line Designs
If I Could have a Book delivered to me right now it would be A Dress For Diana. I really wish she were still alive. Here is a maudlin topic....famous people I wish were still alive.....John Lennon, Greg Moore, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Elvis (just to see what he would be up to in these days), Pasty Cline.......(any others?). I am thinking of people who died to young and/or tragically.
Alrighty then, and now for something upbeat...............
my favorite flowers are........click here. What are yours??
Tomorrow's topic..........PERFECT ALBUMS....yes that is right albums....LP's, cause that is what I still call them.........so be thinking of some of your faves....see if they make the cut!
Tulips are my fav too!
BTW who makes that background paper up there? I LOVE it!!
What a great entry! I miss Diana too, how odd is that? Maybe cuz she was the Jackie O of my generation...until she went all Oprah and spilled the beans.One of my favorite albums is Waiting For Columbus by Little Feat.
you so kill me, i wish i lived a little closer, i would so be in your hair all the time!! okay-which van halen do you show alliance to dave lee roth or sammy hagar? my van halen tattoo shows my alliance to the red rocker-sammy..so love him...i was in heaven this past july 3rd when i found out sammy was at the indians/yankees game in cleveland..thank gawd i brought my binoculars as i found were he was sitting and drooled over him like i was still the total groupie!!and Tab will always be the nectar of the gods, missy do not forget that you may stray but you always will come back home to the pink can!
take care~k
Okay !
First thing : WHO ARE U ? Barbie ?
The only MIDGE I ever heard of was Barbee's bestfriend.
Rootbeer is good.
Tho TAB comes in a PINK Can...
Hippies were irresponsible on the whole - So you can't be a HIPPY. But I get what you mean and I am all about The Peace & The Love and I am marching in front of the TV right there next to you.
I would go see any and all bands you've noted - and wouldn't that be FUN !
I'm jealous that you are going to see Dwight and expect you to hol dup your lighter during Guitars & Cadillacs - if he even plays anything that old.
One of my favorite concert memories:
STYX at The Palace. Sixth Row Aisle Seat. Tommy Shaw jumps off the stage and plays right next to me. I stand up and the Body Guard pushes me back down.
Really looking forward to seeing Lady in the WAter.
Can't remember the last movie I saw IN the theater but right now I am working on the restoration of Shirley Temple's Little Princess...
What the he** is Snakes on a Plane?
The Illusionist w/ Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale looks good.
Going to check out EAT CAKE Graphics and B-Line (thanks)
I took tender pause for Diana and that book does look amazing. (thank you x2)
I was in a small club in Pasadena when Kim Deal (x-Pixies) announced that Princess Diana had died. I thought she was just being a Smart A**.
Where were you ???
That is close to my favorite flower but I still always just have to go with a Simple Daisy.
(Thank you + infinity that it isn't just me!)
Loved the Tangents !
Loved the couple in the card you made.
What a fun break at work XXO !
omg !
he does NOT want to see that ????
What a fun post. I agree with you on the Versafine. It is MIGHTY FINE and I have it in 5 colors so far (but I need the rest). I even have a spare black for when my current black runs out!
I love it!!! This is a great entry. You are so funny!! I found Tab in my grocery store and almost fainted; brings back memories. That was my mom's favorite drink when I was growing up!
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