The pictures are from Christmas Eve at my Mom's house. As I mentioned before, she decorates her home so it looks magical!!

Mike and I.....Christmas love!

My Mom and I in our matching hats that we got at the Swedish shop in Rockford, IL.

My brother and I!

Here is our table set for a lovely meal! Small table for four....we miss our family that could not be with us....loving thoughts of our Grandmothers, Grandfathers, and family that lives in other states.

The best Christmas Tree in the whole world! Every ornament picked with loving care and every ornament has a memory!

Mike made some totally great and delectable lime sugar cookies! Big yum!

This is my Grandpa Bates' sled. He carved his initials and the year 1917 in the wood!

Mom's doll and bookcase....

Are you acquainted with Miss Muffy Vanderbear????? She is pleased to see you!

Mom and her little Hummel tree. Tres cute!

Blurry tree picture........Note to self..need to learn how to use digital camera better!

Uncle Misteletoe.....for all people familiar with Chicago Christmas traditions...

This lovely little ornament was made by the lovely Heather Simpson-Bluhm.....I gave it to my Mom for her birthday and it is perfect near the fireplace and on the tree! It went back and forth between the two for optimal viewing!

One of my Mom's Nancy Ann story book dolls. I believe these were popular in the 1940's. Extreme cuteness alert!

Snowmen and others on top of the speaker.

That little dear in the photograph is my Grandma Bates.

Blurry action, but had to include it as this was such a beautiful tableau done by my Mom.

Love this plaque on the back of the front door.

and a good time was had by all..........................
Oh My Goodness! What sugerplum sweetness! Merry Christmas Laura!
okay, lime sugar cookies? must have that recipe or mike could make me some and send them or i could come pick them up? okay, you and your brother are too cute, you have those eyes, love...okay you and your mom in your hats so darling, i need one!! your mom is beautiful!! that blurry tree picture, it is so perfect, really i love it...laura!everything looks beautiful and so magical, i can feel the love!! you are truly blessed!!!
love you my friend~
Wonderful pics! Thank you so much for sharing them all with us..........Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.........AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY (soon).
This is so beautiful. I feel like I was there... You really captured the spirit with the pics! You're right here how does look PERFECT!
Go New CAmera !!!
What fun to see you and your family !
And I enlarged the Christmas Tree picture to look and look at the ornies up close...I noticed that little pink one on the side and I was going to ask you about it. Then ! ha ! when I scrolled donwn there it was ! an ornament you bought for your Ma made by Heather !
That tree is so pretty and it all looks so warm and cozy there.
Wow that sled is about ninety winters old then !
Loved seeing all of the treasures and it is fun to imagine you there and what your Christmas was like.
Glad you shared !Love, S.
For somebody who just recently started using a camera....ahem...I think you've got the hang of it, or Santa spiked your egg-nog just a wee bit too much !!!!!
How fun to be at your Mom's house and yes...she does have the "magical" touch. I'll be waiting for Mike's cookie recipe !!
Laura, Your pics are wonderful and I feel like I have been by for a visit:) Your mom is darling....especially in her matching hat! Are't they cute? I love the fact that you hubby will bake....I am still breaking mine in....I am not that far after 20 yrs. ha ha........Happy New Year! Linda
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